Tuesday, September 18, 2012

We Made This Mess

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to talk with a friend of mine as he was sharing how he came to a recent revelation on how he would be handling a certain aspect of ministry in the future. He shared how he had invited a minister in to minister at the church God has entrusted him with specifically because he believed in his gifts and desired him to minister according to the gifts he had demonstrated in the past.

When the minister arrived he flipped the script so to speak. He went a whole different route, teaching on a difficult subject matter rather than preaching and ministering through word of knowledge - which was why he had been invited, He attempted through several ill placed comments to imply that the subject matter was so deep that he needed to be invited to stay there a couple of weeks to teach in order for them to fully receive the knowledge of what he was teaching. When he flowed in his God given gifting he was on point. When he started to teach he sunk faster than a lead balloon. Needless to say it was not received and he might never get another opportunity to minister again at that church.

My friend lamented on why he did not just handle the assignment that he had been given. Why did he feel the need to do something different just to prove he could do it and because it has become the new in thing for ministry "teaching"  - and yet fail so miserably. God revealed to both of us in that conversation that We made this mess.

It is time for us to stop blaming God and the adversary for what they are not doing. We as members of the Body of Christ have created this monster. An old quote came to my mind that God will never do by miracle what he requires us to do by obedience. Simply put, it is up to us to fix this mess we made, not God.

No matter how much we try to teach and explain the value and importance of every gift in the Body of Christ, as pastors and leaders we are also too often guilty of promoting one gift above another. It is evident in who we "allow" to come and minister at our churches. As a result we become hypocritical when we say we value the teaching gift but never bring anyone in to teach. We exalt preachers that can "bring it" and "kill it" but those gifted in other areas are never called. As a result these ministers who aren't getting opportunities to minister in the area of their calling try to spiritually diversify themselves to appeal a greater audience often at a cost of minimizing or sacrificing their true gift from God. This places them out of order and in disobedience to God. Yet we fail to see how we helped create the enviorment for them to disobey.

We protest that many preachers are pastoring that should not be. But why are they doing so? Are they rushing God? Are they simply being impatient? Or have we effectively silenced them by not even giving them opportunities to use their gifts to the point the only way they can do what they believe God has called them to do is start a church or ministry, or pastor an existing church?

Pastors not training and teaching those young men and women God gives them in the things of ministry have left them vulnerable to all sorts of chicanery. Too many preachers are laying unholy hands on new ministers claiming to want adopt them as spiritual sons and daughters not to pour into them Godly wisdom, spiritual things, Bible knowledge and ministry understanding but to pick their pockets of dollars. Seeking fame and fortune at the expense of those whom God has called you to serve.

We made this mess. We need a pretty big broom to get to cleaning it up. Let's start with repentance.

Divorced? How dare you serve!

The following article surfaced on my Facebook page this morning from a friend of mine.


The following is my response: Just wanted to share it with all.

It is amazing to me that we do more to keep folks from serving, then complain we need more folks to serve. God qualifies the unqualified. He uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Correct me if I am wrong but He has never, ever called a perfect person to serve in any capacity to do His work. Now those that we choose to nominate to work for Him is another matter altogether. Those that the world - even the church in it's attempt to seek God - declare have no right to serve God, are the same ones that God has a way of using for His glory and His Glory alone. This disqualification taken from a time where there was polygamy, if implemented to the letter of the law starts with Deacons and Pastors to be sure but beware as it will be quickly extended to every auxiliary in the church. So who will serve since all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God?, Who will they serve since it is now a church of those with no uncomfortable and divisive issues to confront?

Nowhere did the original author state that many people get married for the wrong reasons. Even in the church - ministers get married because they know the majority of churches will not even consider them as a possible Pastor if they are not. I have known too many ministers who have done just that. How many marriages of convenience have been entered into so that he could say he was finally a Pastor? How many marriages have been forced down the aisle by the church or supposedly well meaning church members on a young couple so they would not "sin" against God? How many never really knew what the covenant of marriage means and simply got married to keep from letting someone get away or because it fit the mood of that moment - and later ended up divorcing?

God alone is the righteous Judge. I may see what has occurred on the outside but it is God that searcheth the reins and trieth the heart. He alone knows the inwards dealings of man. Truthfully if many had their way in our lives we would not even be writing these responses, let alone sitting in a church serving God in whatever capacity we do. At the end of the day I prefer to let God do His job and I concern myself being found acceptable in His sight.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Will Never Forget!

History has shown that with the passing of time numerous atrocities are rewritten, injustices are legitimized and the wrongs that have been committed on innocent people justified by those seeking to be enlightened and empathetic to the plight of others. It is not that we do not know the truth, but we don't want to face squarely the truth and what it means for our lives. The horrors and hatred of those that deliberately chose to attack innocent men, women, boys and girls because of their hatred of our country's ideology, prosperity, freedoms and the perceived wrongs they felt were unjustly perpetuated upon their people shall never be rewritten or whitewashed by those of us who experienced it. The pain extended well beyond ground zero and is still felt across this world. This was never a deserved act. This was an act of war calculated to bring America down to it's knees, living and cowering in fear.

Yes it showed that we were vulnerable. That in spite of our military might, we could be hit and hit hard. That we would feel pain and grief on a level that most in this lifetime had never to deal with. But it also showed that we can put our differences behind us - regardless of political party affiliation, social status, race, gender or orientation. That we could come together, cry together as one, bow together as one, get ourselves together and stand up girded with indefatigable resolve as one. We don't always agree with each other but on that day, we all stood as one America.

Let us never forget the lives that were lost, the sacrifices made, the heroism shown by our sons and daughters. Let us not forget those who died while living. Let us not forget the lives lost by those coming to the aid of fellow souls in distress. Let us not forget the lives of those who mutually decided to take control of their fate and do what they could even if it meant their own death. Let us not let this event ever be swept under the carpet of political correctness. Teach your sons and daughters what this means, where you were, how you felt and how it has changed this world in which we live. Say a prayer for those who are still healing. Resolve to make this world a better place each day that you live. Starting with you.


It is official. I am a dinosaur. The realization hit me when I was driving to pick my daughter up from her late-night shift. It was not the ...