Wednesday, November 2, 2011

You can call me...

"It matters not what men call you, it matters only what you answer to." (Unknown)
They got me! I had finally caved into the "demands" of many of my peers and potential churches that I must have a business card. I can remember my first business cards clearly. White background, teal writing. Professionally done, yet inexpensive. Those cards created more controversy at that point in my life than anything else.

"Why doesn't it say reverend? You are a reverend aren't you?" "Oh you must not be a Baptist preacher, cause all Baptist preachers use Rev, Pastor, or Rev. Dr." "You should of put Pastor on there. Churches only like to call people who have been a Pastor so it will get your foot in the door." "What about your degrees?" They need to know if this is all they ever get from you that you went to school somewhere." "They look too cheap. You should of gotten more color or something to make them stand out from the other cards they will get."

Sad but true. The great error I made on my first business cards according to the "experts" apparently is that instead of using Reverend as a title, I used "Minister." That one thing sent those around me into tizzy fits as they tried to lecture and shame me into getting new cards that were more "appropriate" for a young Baptist preacher. It did not matter to them that I pointed out that the only time reverend is used in the Bible it not used to describe man, or a preacher but God. In Psalm 111:9 we read, "He has sent redemption to his people; he has ordained his covenant forever; holy and reverend is his name." Somehow I was denying the faith and the traditions of my fathers by not claiming Reverend as my title.

My have times changed. Now it appears that using the title Rev would be one of the most humble of titles used by modern preachers. I point this out because the modern day push for titles and grandiosity is nothing new. Through my journey through the ministry first you had to be a Rev; Then a Pastor because if you didn't pastor a church you were a jackleg preacher (one not good enough for a church to ever want you to be their pastor & therefore consigned to just preaching the circuit but never being seriously considered anywhere) As mentioned it was even better to have it on your card even if you were not currently filling that office. Then a Rev. Dr. because being educated was a status symbols for churches to brag about their Pastor. Two of my sons in the ministry would constantly lament to me that they were turned down for so many churches because they were not a Rev Dr and that was one of the things most Baptist churches were looking for. Many churches including quite a few in the country where the people and $$ were few let it be known that if you did not have a doctorate do not even think about applying for the vacant pulpit.

Now we have gone off into being Bishops, Prophets and Apostles - a returning to biblical titles but unfortunately still being used in the wrong spirit. Primarily heard in the Catholic, Methodist, Epispocal and Non Denominational churches/ministries these titles are being used everywhere now. Even in the traditional Baptist church these titles amongst the clergy are becoming more commonplace. I joke around with fellow ministers that I am waiting earnestly to see a mass movement of Cardinals, Suffragan Bishops and even Popes being named among us. Unfortunately someone somewhere always has to feel that they are one better than someone else.

We have allowed vanity to speak to us and we have listened raptly. We have cast aside the true essence of our calling in pursuit of lofty titles without the anointing or ability to carry it. The humility and holiness we lived when we first acknowledged our calling have given way to how to climb up the ladder faster than someone else, put more people in the pews and make a few $$ more. We have fallen victim to what I preached many years ago in a sermon entitled "When Leaders listen to Followers." Because it sounds good to them, we embrace it and have to nerve to say it came from God. Until God calls us on it. Believe me He is, and will call us on this nonsense. Judgement must first begin at the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17 "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?"

At the end of the day we must remember that it matters not what man calls us, or what we call ourselves. It only matters what God calls us. I have read the Scripture and nowhere do I ever see God addressing one of His ... do not miss that point - one of His - by their title. He calls them by their connection with Him (son, daughter) their commitment to Him (disciple) and by their character in Him (servant) but not their title. So who do we think we are having conniptions because someone does not address us as Rev Dr., Bishop, Apostle, etc. Yes I am fully aware of the respect issue. That you don't want anyone to intentionally disrespect the office God has given you by not having them call you by that title. But don't fall into a sinful attitude of pride and vanity trying to make sure someone respects you either - which too much of that is happening around the country.

After a five year self imposed sabbatical to purge myself of all the garbage I have endured in ministry I am slowly launching out again. My new cards should be in soon. Plain, inexpensive cards tastefully done. Nothing terribly fancy. Servant is the title - after all that is all a minister really is anyhow. A servant of God and a servant of man. Hopefully now, twenty four years later, it will be clear.

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