Wednesday, October 4, 2017

We Must Repent

As a country we have removed morality, ethics, conscience, faith, and religion as ruling guiding forces for our country. We have literally made our selves "gods" able to discern what is good and evil in our own eyes. We alone dictate what is right. No one else can determine this for us and woe be unto them if they try.
Yet whenever tragedy occurs - be it via nature or man made -
we cry out for the very same things we demanded not be in place in our country. We invoke the name of God that we have shunned a long time ago as out of touch and irrelevant for modern man. We call for a return to standards of morality, ethics, and conscience that we demanded we wanted to be free from.
What we did not see and refused to admit is that the things we crave most - love, compassion, respect for our fellow man, fear of consequences of doing wrong things were ALL ROOTED in the same things we summarily dismissed from our country. This mess is our own making. Until we as a country OWN that, we will stay stuck in this mess.
Instead we have replaced morality, ethics, conscience, faith and religion with politics, money, laws, and the power of the press as the our guiding principles. These are our governing forces in this country. These are the tenets of our new modern day religious order. Never seeing that each one corrupts the other. Each one can be and often is bought. That manipulation of the masses starts with the removal of the things we removed and is complete with the ownership of politics, money, laws, and the press.These have conspired together in an unholy alliance to silence the one place where the light of truth should always shine bright - the church; God's church. Now we have philosophers, self help gurus and life coaches masquerading as prophets, preachers, and pastors. All adding to the continued downfall of this country.
This is not by coincidence or accident. This is a concerted effort. This battle is not one of flesh and blood, but of principalities and powers. Against the rulers of the darkness. Against spiritual wickedness in high places. We have removed God from His throne and installed Dagon, Baal and ourselves as god.
Yet like Dagon of biblical days they have no arms to save, no eyes to see, no ability to save. We cry unto Baal yet there is no response. It is my personal belief that our Dagon must fall. The prophets of Baal can cry all day and night and there will still be no response. For Baal can not save us either. Until we repent AS A COUNTRY we will be stuck.
To repent is not to apologize. To repent is not to say oops. To repent is not to say my bad. To repent is not to say you caught me. To repent is not to lawyer up and plea bargain your case to a more favorable verdict. It is godly sorrow for sin. It is seeing sin not as we see it but as God sees it. It is seeing that it breaks the heart of a loving Father to have disobedient children, knowing they must be disciplined yet hating to do so because of His love for us. It is seeing the horror of what we have done not just as individuals but as a nation. To repent is to ask forgiveness from God. Knowing we deserve the full punishment for our sins, yet pleading the blood of Jesus Christ as the only atonement for our sins. To seek Him to wash the stink of the wretchedness as far as the east is from the west. To repent is to turn away from those things that were an affront to God. Not as a process, not in time, not after you can pass legislation or get your ducks in order, but immediately. To repent is to make peace with your fellow man and if you have wronged him, to make proper restitution. It is not up to the other to accept but it is up to you to offer. To repent is to walk in the newness of the light and love of God, determined to live for Him.
If my people which are called by name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways THEN will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. We must hold up our part before we can rightly expect God to hold up His. That is not optional.

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