Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Contrarians

When this time period is studied by those that follow us, it will be called the age of the "contrarians." That no matter what position or opinion one had, somebody had to immediately insert a contrary opinion. Not for balance or equality but to attempt to dismantle the original thought as well as the person that had it.
They will discover upon research that it has become that way because the truth is no longer absolute but subjective to the individual and which lens he or she chooses to view it from. Money, power, way of life, and greed will be found to have become the new "arbiters" of truth. if it does not make money, maintain or increase power or satiate the need to have overflowing excess, then it must be proved to be false. Integrity, ethics, morals, decency, and respect will be fossilized with the antiquities of time.
In a stunning development, they will discover that throughout the ages from the beginning of time regardless of if one holds the position of evolution or creation that man has been warned of this by scholars, prophets, seers. Men and women of various faith backgrounds and religious identification. Those who attained education at institutions of higher learning and those who just had good ole fashioned common sense. Even some who claim no belief in a religion of any kind yet were still sensitive enough to see what lay ahead and sounded the alarms.
Yet like the times gone by, in the age of the contrarians, both men and women continue to repeat the cycle of ignoring what is right before them. To fight is better than to love, to win no matter the cost more noble than peace with their neighbor. For no one knows better than they, only they have the answers - only they are right!. They have become "gods" in their own eyes; gods that hear but do not listen, hands that hurt but can not heal, hands that only "help" when they can brag on it for other material gains. They strive but know not the way of peace, use people but know not how to love.
JMO. Back to my studies.

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