Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Going Forward...

Had a great time over the holidays. Best memory was sitting daughters down and telling them as much as I could remember about the Briggs - Hill - Edmonds Family history, starting with being slaves in Sussex County, Virginia to this present day. Grateful that before there was an ancestry dot com website we had written down our history and passed it on to the children through oral tradition Grateful that I listened to it and memorized most of it when young. Hilarious moment was while recounting my great grandfather was a peanut farmer who sold his farm and the family bought three lots of land in the Heights section of Petersburg, my youngest asked "so my great, great grandfather was George Washington Carver?" (at least she made the connection to Carver and peanuts at 10 years old.) It also reminded me that my first and second cousins are in this generation the elders of the family. The standard bearers. Those that the younger ones look up to, admire, and wonder all about.This is a tradition we will keep every year. So they will be able to orally pass this knowledge down to their children and grandchildren, should the Lord tarry His coming. #knowwhereyoucamefrom #itsaboutlegacy

Thursday, December 4, 2014


I have deleted several "friends" from my life since the killing of Trayvon Martin, Micheal Brown, Eric Garner and I suspect I will be deleting several more. I have no issue with you disagreeing with me. Grown, mature, intelligent people can do that and not be disagreeable. I am truly appreciative of the real honest dialogue on status and in private messages from those who haven't been black one minute in America so you have no idea what it is like to deal with this country while in our skin. It is not because you don't believe racism is still prevalent in many areas of society, even if you don't personally subscribe to it. This isn't about the validation of rioting by anyone at anytime. Not only is rioting the language of the unheard; this is about an anger you can not comprehend from the luxury of your privilege. I personally don't agree with rioting but I get the pain where it is coming from. After all if I remember correctly there is something about a Boston Tea Party where private property was destroyed by looters, seeking to make changes in the current laws of the land that they deemed unfair. But oh...that's right... it was perfectly ok for them to destroy another persons property, livelihood and fight their unjust laws. I wonder why? (Rhetorical question so insert sarcasm here)
But when you post statuses about killing protesters, all blacks or cops, and refuse to shut down those who post it on your page. I am deleting you. That is stupid, immature and shows what you really think. You post memes with false facts and rhetoric rooted in racism not reality. Not comprehending that facts like statistics can be skewed to point in whatever direction you want someone to go. Deleted. You post things completely ignoring the sins and evils of the past - deleted. Not that we shouldn't get past them - but because you are being hypocritical in ignoring that the evils of the past are revisited upon the future in every country in the world and plays a part in today whether you want to admit it or not - deleted. You post one more " them thugs" comment yet your pictures have you posing in "thug" poses and "gang signs" - deleted. Stop emulating privately what you condemn publicly, You post send them back to Africa comments when we didn't ask to come to this country in the first place....You post why wont they assimilate when you openly ask no other race/nationality in this country to completely let go of their roots in order to function in America - You want us to forget our past so we can forget yours. Deleted. You try to play the divide and conquer game by posting crap and then pulling me aside and saying "i didn't mean you, but them" - deleted. And don't request to be my friend again. Not going to happen. Hoping and praying that this is the last I have to say on this insanity.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Just a thought

The more positive that you are, the more productive you are. While being "honest, keeping it real, putting folks on blast, expressing yourself" or any other code word for openly expressing negativity, drama, and pain towards/felt from others may make you feel better for a minute, it will ultimately weigh you down and hold you back from the greater good that lies within you. So the question really is, do you want the greater good that lies within or do you prefer to stay stuck where you are because it is a comfortable place?


It is official. I am a dinosaur. The realization hit me when I was driving to pick my daughter up from her late-night shift. It was not the ...