Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Will Never Forget!

History has shown that with the passing of time numerous atrocities are rewritten, injustices are legitimized and the wrongs that have been committed on innocent people justified by those seeking to be enlightened and empathetic to the plight of others. It is not that we do not know the truth, but we don't want to face squarely the truth and what it means for our lives. The horrors and hatred of those that deliberately chose to attack innocent men, women, boys and girls because of their hatred of our country's ideology, prosperity, freedoms and the perceived wrongs they felt were unjustly perpetuated upon their people shall never be rewritten or whitewashed by those of us who experienced it. The pain extended well beyond ground zero and is still felt across this world. This was never a deserved act. This was an act of war calculated to bring America down to it's knees, living and cowering in fear.

Yes it showed that we were vulnerable. That in spite of our military might, we could be hit and hit hard. That we would feel pain and grief on a level that most in this lifetime had never to deal with. But it also showed that we can put our differences behind us - regardless of political party affiliation, social status, race, gender or orientation. That we could come together, cry together as one, bow together as one, get ourselves together and stand up girded with indefatigable resolve as one. We don't always agree with each other but on that day, we all stood as one America.

Let us never forget the lives that were lost, the sacrifices made, the heroism shown by our sons and daughters. Let us not forget those who died while living. Let us not forget the lives lost by those coming to the aid of fellow souls in distress. Let us not forget the lives of those who mutually decided to take control of their fate and do what they could even if it meant their own death. Let us not let this event ever be swept under the carpet of political correctness. Teach your sons and daughters what this means, where you were, how you felt and how it has changed this world in which we live. Say a prayer for those who are still healing. Resolve to make this world a better place each day that you live. Starting with you.

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